general services briefing
2022 Recommendations for service providers working with LGBTQ+ young people.
We work both locally and nationally to influence policy and practice that will improve outcomes for LGBTQ+ young people.
In 2023, a charity that supports LGBTQ+ young people experiencing homelessness should not need to exist. This campaign is about making LGBTQ+ youth homelessness a priority. Find out how you can get involved in our 2023 campaign to help LGBTQ+ young people find safe housing and secure futures by clicking on the button below.
2022 Recommendations for service providers working with LGBTQ+ young people.
2022 The key points for local authorities to consider based on our annual report.
2022 Findings and recommendations for the UK government to consider.
2022 Highlighting disproportionate impact on bi young people from akt report.
2022 Findings from our annual report that show impact on disabled LGBTQ+ young people.
2022 How young queer people from faith backgrounds struggled more to find help.
2022 Our recommendations for the housing and homelessness sector, based on akt findings.
2022 Suggestions for the LGBTQ+ sector and why tackling homelessness is a priority.
2022 Showing intersectional impact of homelessness in POC and LGBTQ+ young people
2022 Findings show disproportionate impact on trans young people experiencing homelessness.
2022 Greater impact shown for young queer people who were under- 18 while homeless.
2022 A one-page guide to making your service more inclusive for LGBTQ+ people.
2022 Recommendations for developing a more responsive and inclusive housing sector.
2022 Assessing current UK services & making recommendations for a more inclusive future.
2021 In collaboration with homeless link, find out how homeless services can be more inclusive.
We spoke to young people about their experiences and making services more inclusive.