causes of homelessness
Understanding the causes of homelessness can help us support LGBTQ+ young people out homelessness for good.
In 2023, a charity that supports LGBTQ+ young people experiencing homelessness, should not need to exist. This campaign is about why akt is needed and how we help.
With almost a quarter of homeless young people identifying as LGBTQ+, our services are now more vital than ever.
Over 24% of young people experiencing homelessness in the UK identify as LGBTQ+. Despite LGBTQ+ young people being disproportionately affected by homelessness, LGBTQ+ youth homelessness is still treated as a marginal issue.
In 2023, it is unacceptable that so many young LGBTQ+ people are still facing rejection, abuse, homelessness and struggling to get the support they deserve.
A charity like akt that supports LGBTQ+ young people living in hostile environments or experiencing homelessness, should not need to exist. Like many members of the LGBTQ+ Community, we are frustrated.
For this campaign, we wanted to show have far we have come but also how much of fight we still have left when it comes to making sure every LGBTQ+ young person is able to live freely and access safe and affordable housing.
LGBTQ+ stories and the challenges our community faces don’t begin and end at LGBTQ+ History Month or Pride Month, they are year round. That is #WhyWeExist.
On June 14th we’re holding an event in parliament, where we will be asking MPs to support akt and our work. But we need your help getting there. We need you to write to your MP asking them to attend our event and put LGBTQ+ youth homelessness on the agenda.
All you need to do is enter your postcode via the form below, fill in your name and postcode and hit send! you’ll be making a huge difference to the lives of LGBTQ+ young people at risk of homelessness or living in hostile environments. Thank you!
Understanding the causes of homelessness can help us support LGBTQ+ young people out homelessness for good.
LGBTQ+ young people are at greater risk while homeless than homeless people who are not LGBTQ+
When young LGBTQ+ people were worried about their housing situation, or experiencing homelessness where did they seek help?
This timeline shows how far we have come, and how much of a fight we still have left. Click on the preview below to view it in full, download and share.
To celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, we created a timeline of political and historical landmarks that have impacted queer life in the UK and beyond. Life can be very difficult for LGBTQ+ people, decisions are made on our behalf, and we know that just because we have made steps forward, doesn’t mean that progress and equity has been achieved.
A cost of living crisis, increased levels of hate on the streets and in the press, mean that LGBTQ+ young people are particularly vulnerable. Every young person should have the freedom to live freely in an environment that is safe and supportive, that’s #WhyWeExist.