alex’s story
Read about Alex’s journey from an abusive home-life to a stable living situation, where they could settle back into education.
Find out more about Ivy’s story and journey with akt.
After speaking with us, Ivy decided she couldn’t go home, so akt paid for her to stay in her student accommodation until her new tenancy was ready in September.
Ivy told us that her Personal Independence Payment was being paid into her dad’s bank account, so akt supported her to take control of her own finances. We also her in touch with Lovingme, a trans and non-binary specific domestic violence support service.
After this, Ivy felt confident enough to apply for part-time jobs. After being invited to multiple interviews Ivy was provided with a £50 voucher by akt to purchase some interview-appropriate clothes.
Ivy is now in her student accommodation for this year and her estrangement status has been granted. This status enables her to access the estrangement support services at her university such as the guarantor scheme and bursary.
Looking to the future, Ivy wants to finish her degree, find a job working in television or radio, and thrive as an estranged young person.
akt have been a lifesaving service. Without my caseworker's support and advice, I would have had to return to an abusive environment and may have even dropped out of university due to the impact it would have on my mental wellbeing. Now, I can start supporting myself by myself for the foreseeable future.Ivy, akt service user
Read about Alex’s journey from an abusive home-life to a stable living situation, where they could settle back into education.
Chase came to akt, urgently needing advice on how to leave a controlling family environment.
Sammy is a 20-year-old trans woman who contacted us through our Live Chat after she was taken abroad by her parents due to her trans identity.