sammy's story
Sammy is a 20-year-old trans woman who contacted us through our Live Chat after she was taken abroad by her parents due to her trans identity.
Read about Alex’s journey from an abusive home-life to a stable living situation, where they could settle back into education.
Alex contacted akt as they were living in a hostile environment with abusive family members who were unsupportive of their gender identity. This was having a significant impact on their mental health and they found it difficult trying to navigate their A Levels.
As Alex was in full-time education, they were unable to get a job and move out. They felt trapped and asked akt to support them by looking at their options. Alex was keen to continue their education and live in a supportive environment.
After carrying out some initial safeguarding work, one of akt’s caseworkers signposted them to Galop (an LGBTQ+ domestic abuse service) and worked with Alex to explore their housing options. Through our Independent Living Fund, we paid for a 1-month subscription to SpareRoom so that Alex could look for accommodation.
Our caseworker referred Alex to supported accommodation in a different area – they were successfully offered a room and moved in! We also paid their moving costs through one of our Rainbow Starter Packs. Alex is now settled in the supported accommodation and has an allocated worker there who will support them to move on. They are really happy there!
Now Alex is working part-time in a bar and is also volunteering for a charity by looking after their social media. Their future goals include finishing their A Levels, attending university and eventually becoming a teacher.
*Alex’s name has been changed to protect their identity, but their story is real.
You guys helped me so much so if sharing my story can show how incredible you guys are I'd be honoured to do so."Alex, akt service user.
Sammy is a 20-year-old trans woman who contacted us through our Live Chat after she was taken abroad by her parents due to her trans identity.
nathan is bisexual and was experiencing psychological abuse in the family home.
chris could no longer live at home when their family found out that they were bisexual.